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Recovery Support

Dedicated to providing a strong foundation for lifelong recovery


Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

Joshua 1:9

What We Do We Invite You to Come as You Are

The ROC Recovery Center is a faith-based organization that is committed to meeting the needs of individuals struggling with addictive behaviors, mental illness, domestic violence, homelessness, and emotional trauma. It is our desire to help the brokenhearted heal through outpatient and intensive outpatient services, as well as individual peer support and counseling services. We also connect people to other community resources and opportunities. Here, at the ROC, we are passionate about spreading hope and restoration. We are committed to the transformation of building new lives by addressing the physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs. Since 2018, we’ve been serving Southern Oregon with an amazing team of dedicated people, helping adults, youth, and their families recover.

Learn more


Our Services

Our recovery services are affordable and confidential. We provide personalized recovery coaching, individual and family counseling, addiction and recovery educational support, and peer support groups. We offer a 4-day training for peer workers to become certified facilitators. Our peer support services are delivered by individuals who have common life experiences with the people they serve. Persons with mental and/or substance use disorders have a unique capacity to help each other based on shared affiliation and a deep understanding of this experience. 

Learn more

Join the 100 Envelope Giving Challenge ROC Solid Building Project 2025

WOO HOO! We are on our way! Remember this is an event that is “online only,” so sit back, make a donation and continue to keep us here at the ROC in your thoughts and prayers and we share the Message of HOPE to our community.
Please consider joining the 100 Envelope Giving Challenge – Go to or CLICK on the Donate button below and grab an envelope or two and make a donation-in the memo box, write your envelope number and amount.
Thank you for your support!

Support Groups

Make Connections. Get Help.

RISE Group

A Parent & Family Support Group

Come join our parent and family support group on Monday nights from 6-7:30 pm at 305 S. Fir Street in Medford (parking availabke directly across the street). RISE is a group of parents & family members who are affected by loved ones who struggle with addiction. We meet every week to offer help, healing & hope by providing education & encouragement in a safe, supportive enviornment. 

This is a place to process your feelings, talk about your struggles, grow personally & be encouraged by other who share similar pain & experiences. Our focus is to gain courage, strength & perspective for this journey & find wayas to help ourselves, so that we will be healthy enough to help our loved ones.

For more information on the ROC or any of our group or individual services, please call us at (541) 200-3000.


Don’t miss this coming Thursday night at 6pm! Come join our NEW Celebrate Recovery Meeting every Thursday Night located at 305 S. Fir Street in Medford – Doors open at 5:30 pm. 

The format of CR is totally different from your normal 12-step recovery group.
6:00pm – Dinner
6:20pm – Music/Worship
6:45pm – Recovery Meeting
7:05pm – Small Group Open Share (Men & Women meet separately)
7:30pm – Dessert & Fellowship

For more information on the ROC or any of our group or individual services, please call us at (541) 200-3000.

J2F Celebrate Recovery

Join us every Thursday evening from 6-7:45pm

305 S. Fir Street, Medford, Oregon 

Celebrate Recovery Meeting focuses on providing support for those suffering with all forms of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. This meeting is designed to provide support to those who are on a “Journey 2 Freedom.” Celebrate Recovery uses the Word of God and the twelve steps to help minister to individuals. Celebrate Recovery is God’s way to help people to become overcomers from past and current hurts, hang-ups, and habits.


Women supporting women.


Women’s Support Group

Join us every Friday evening from 4:30-5:30pm

305 S. Fir Street, Medford, Oregon 
Hey, ladies! You’re invited to our Women’s Support Group led by Courtney from ROC Recovery Center. Whatever you may be facing in life, you are not meant to go through it alone—this group is designed specifically for you!